Boater Only Division
Effective January 1, 2025, the following rules shall apply to all NewJen Bass Boater only tournaments. Rules for special tournaments may differ from those contained herein. Interpretation and enforcement of these rules shall be left exclusively to the Tournament Director or his/her designee at a tournament.
The 2025 NewJen Bass Membership fee is required for all NewJen Bass events, unless otherwise noted on the event registration, and covers your ability to enter all 2025 Boater only, and Team Series. Entry of these events without an active/paid membership is grounds for disqualification, without refund. NewJen Bass reserves the right to refuse and/or revoke memberships without cause, reason and/or explanation and without recourse at our own discretion. Membership does not guarantee the ability to enter a tournament. NewJen Bass 2025 Memberships are valid for the 2025 calendar year.
Boater entries are open only to current members of NewJen Bass who are 18 years of age or older. Boater must provide tournament eligible boat.
NewJen Bass reserves the right to cap the field.
An angler may qualify for a refund if they procure their own replacement/paid entrant 30+ days prior to the start of the event. Administrative fees will not be refunded under any circumstance.
NewJen Bass may reserve sponsor exemption entries in any tournament.
Registration and payment must be completed via newjenbass.com/register. In the event that a participant is unable to complete the online registration, they can complete it by phone by contacting Jennifer at 559.646.5361 during business hours. All of the same data will be collected by phone and all of the same fees will be required.
The standard entry deadline will be 7 days prior to the start of event, at midnight.
Late entry will include a $100 late fee and will be available until the start of official practice.
After that, entries will only be accepted per tournament director discretion.
There will be NO REFUNDS to any participant withdrawing for ANY reason after official practice has begun. At this point, anglers have been confirmed, award amounts have been released, and full disclosure will be adhered to. Although the Tournament Director will always do everything possible to keep all entrants on the water, it is important to understand that a withdrawal is completely out of NewJen Bass control.
There are no off limit days for regular season events. Flying over tournament waters, the use of drones and/or binoculars (or any non-prescription sight enhancing devices) during competition is not allowed. The Tournament of Champions has its own separate Off Limits restrictions, unless otherwise notified by NewJen Bass.
During competition participants cannot solicit, receive, or gather any information from anyone other than another participant in the tournament. Participants are expected to compete every day for which they are qualified; failure to do so may result in ineligibility to compete in future NewJen Bass tournaments. In the event of unsolicited information being offered in any fashion constants must cease and /or discontinue such information by informing the person you are a NewJen Bass event participant and cannot break an information sharing rule. If there are any questions about potential infractions, you must notify the tournament director immediately for directive.
Fishing within 50 yards of an operating gas pump/dock or within 25 yards of a competitor’s boat, which is first anchored, is prohibited (trolling motors must be in up position, anchor rope visible, or shallow water anchoring system deployed to be considered anchored). A safe and courteous distance (25 yards) should be maintained when trolling motors are in use. Boats may fish anywhere except areas designated as “off limits” or “no fishing” by Local, State or Federal officials or as posted on the Tournament Information page or announced by Tournament Director. Tournament waters shall be established by the Tournament Director for each tournament. Any water within these boundaries posted “Off-Limits” or “No Fishing” by state or federal agencies will be OFF-LIMITS and will be announced at the Pre-Tournament Meeting. AFTER THE TOURNAMENT BEGINS, FISHING THE TOURNAMENT WATERS IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT DURING TOURNAMENT HOURS. Only water open to all public fishing will be considered tournament waters. The official host marina is off limits within the 5mph buoys.
Participants may not cut, dig, or remove obstructions requiring the use of any tools once the off-limits period begins all the way through the conclusion of the event to access any water. Participants may not have non-participants cut, dig, or removed obstructions once the off-limits period begins all the way through the conclusions of the event to access any water. Participants may not have the assistance of another boat, person, or apparatus (push poles are allowed) to access any water. Participant’s boats must access fishable water under its own power and only with the assistance of the Boater assigned to that boat. All angling must be done from the boat. Prior to the tournament registration, any questionable areas must be brought to the attention of tournament officials to be considered tournament waters and may be announced in the Pre-Tournament Meeting for all to hear. Participants must fish in an area that is accessible by NewJen Bass staff, media, and camera personnel as deemed by the tournament director. As a general rule, NewJen Bass views this as a 20-foot fiberglass bass boat with the motor trimmed down under its own power. If participants have any questions, they must approach the tournament director. Tournament officials reserve the right to re- strict or enhance tournament waters based on conversations with local authorities.
By completing the membership form, event entry, and/or payment for the event, the participant agrees to their release of liability and a name and likeness release. Being that Newt and Jennifer Price are the only tournament directors, in the event that either are seriously injured or there is loss of life, all set aside funds toward the TOC, awards, trophies, etc. may be completely forfeited and the remainder of the season may be canceled.
a) Any other special rule as deemed by the tournament director and announced prior to blastoff.
b) NewJen Bass is allowing nets.
c) No floggers, underwater cameras, or similar devices will be allowed in practice or during the events days.
d) No spotlights or similar devices will be allowed in practice or during the events days to located fishing locations or fish.
e) Binoculars are not allowed in the boat at any time. In addition, flying over tournament waters, the use of drones and/or binoculars (or any non-prescription sight enhancing devices) during the off-limits period, official practice and competition, is also not allowed.
f) Participants must have a valid fishing license for all tournament waters.
g) No participant may buy or barter a fishing location from anyone for use during any competition day.
h) Participants renting boat slips may launch boats and proceed immediately to slip location.
i) Testing of engines during off-limits period is not permitted on tournament waters.
j) Testing of engines after the weigh-in is only allowed with permission from the Tournament Director.
k) Scouting, pre-fishing or other “practice” related activities prior to or after weigh-in is not allowed once the tournament has begun.
l) During the tournament, a participant may not enter or dive in tournament waters also known as skin or scuba diving.
m) During the official competition days of the tournament, a participant may not use a CB radio, a VHF marine band radio, a cellular phone, or any other type of communication device for the purpose of locating or catching fish. Participants are permitted to transmit by radio or telephone only in the event of an emergency. If so equipped, participants may listen to the marine-band weather information.
n) Participants are allowed to call lock-masters for locking purposes only.
o) In all cases where communications are initiated by a participant, the Tournament Director must be called prior. A voicemail or text message may constitute such communication.
p) A designated tournament official must be granted access to the participant’s boat at any time during the official practice or competition days. Failure to grant such access may result in immediate disqualification.
q) Nothing can be placed into the water to attract baitfish, any type forage. This includes but not limited to: structure, dog food, fish habitat, bait balls or any substance that would enhance or hold fish in a particular area once the off-limits period begins and all the way through the conclusion of the event.
Fishing hours and flight times will be sent to each participant via email and/or announced at the tournament pre-tournament meeting.
During competition days of any NewJen Bass tournament, no participant may operate a boat unless that participant has documented proof of a minimum of $300,000 boat owner’s liability insurance covering the boat being used in the tournament. Proof of insurance must be with the boat being used and must cover all passengers in that boat. Random checks may be conducted. Any participant who does not have proof of valid insurance with $300,000 coverage will not be allowed to compete and disqualified, without refund.
Safe boat conduct must always be observed by participants. During competition each boat passenger must wear a Coast Guard-approved chest-type life preserver anytime the combustion engine is operating. This preserver must be strapped, snapped or zippered securely and maintained in that condition until the combustion engine is shut off. Inflatable life vest indicators should be checked daily. Violation of this rule shall be reason for disqualification. Tournament officials have the right to delay, shorten or cancel the start of an official tournament day because of bad weather or other factors that would endanger the safety of the participants. Tournament waters may also be restricted at any time because of bad weather. Weather delays on competition days resulting in half of the tournament day being lost (first flight take-off and check-in) may result in cancellation. NewJen Bass reserves the right to impose boat speed limits during any or all tournaments. Whether or not to impose a speed limit, the area covered by the speed limit and/or the actual speed limit imposed shall be left exclusively to the discretion of the Tournament Director. IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, PARTICIPANTS SHOULD CALL 911 FIRST AND ONCE SAFE, NOTIFY TOURNAMENT OFFICIALS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. PARTICIPANTS ARE ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE BOAT AND SEEK SAFE SHELTER IN BAD WEATHER WHERE DANGER MAY BE IMMINENT.
Participants competing in any NewJen Bass event shall abide by this code of conduct and the applicable rules for the event in which they are participating. Participants shall, always, conduct themselves in a manner becoming of a professional that will not reflect unfavorably on NewJen Bass, its members, sponsors, events or representatives. The favorable public reputation of NewJen Bass as an organization in the sport of fishing, the integrity of its officials, and the reputation of its media properties are valuable assets and tangible benefits for NewJen Bass. It is an obligation of participants to refrain from public comments that unreasonably attacks or disparages the integrity of tournaments, tournament officials, sponsors, fellow members, fellow participants or the NewJen Bass organization. Public comments that an angler knows, or should reasonably know, will harm the reputation of NewJen Bass, NewJen Bass officials or sponsors shall be considered unacceptable conduct. Participants will refrain from arguing, yelling, demeaning, using profanity, or challenging any tournament official. Anglers will be notified of any known rules infractions at the moment they are discovered or as soon as they are ruled upon by the tournament director. Participants shall demonstrate professionalism and integrity in support of the sport of professional fishing. Any angler who violates any portion of the Angler Code of Conduct may be subject to sanctions including but not limited to permanent disqualification. In the event that an angler exhibits explicitly poor conduct, NewJen Bass will ask the reporting angler to submit a formal, written complaint along with supporting evidence of their poorly displayed behavior (video, audio, picture, screen shots, etc.). NewJen Bass will then conduct a formal investigation; which may result in disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, permanent removal from all NewJen Bass events. NewJen Bass reserves the right to refuse service to any potential participant and enforce its tournament rules at its sole discretion.
Use of alcohol, drugs, or any prescription medication that may cause impairment by any participant during the official practice or during the tournament will not be tolerated and shall be cause for disciplinary action. No alcoholic beverages, other stimulants or depressants, prescription or otherwise, shall be allowed in the boats during the official practice or competition days or when in the weigh-in area. Any participant(s) deemed under the influence by the tournament director may be disqualified. Chemical substance addiction or abuse, conviction of a felony or crimes involving moral turpitude or other conduct reflecting unfavorably upon efforts to promote safety, sportsmanship, fair competition and compliance with tournament rules shall be grounds for rejecting any application for participation and/or for disqualification after circumstances are reviewed by the Tournament Director. Any candidate for competition who, in the judgment of the Tournament Director, is impaired in such a manner as to endanger the safety or well-being of their partner, themselves, or others will be removed from the event immediately and may not be eligible to fish in future events.
The use of any tobacco products or smoking prior/during blastoff, from check-in through weigh-in, or while cameras are present, is prohibited.
Common courtesy must always be practiced, especially regarding boating and angling near non-participants who may be on tournament waters. Any act of a participant which reflects unfavorably upon efforts to promote fisheries conservation, clean waters and courtesy shall be grounds for disqualification. All participants are bound by the prevailing statutes and regulations of the various states within which they fish. Participants are responsible for research of fishing and boating regulations.
Only artificial lures and biodegradable artificial lures may be used. No “live bait” or “prepared bait” will be permitted during official practice and competition, except for pork strips or rinds. Only ONE (1) casting, spin casting or spinning rod and reel may be used at any one time. Rods may not exceed nine (9) feet in length. Other rigs as specified above may be in boat ready for use; however, only ONE is permitted in use at any given time. All bass must be caught live and in a conventional sporting manner on each day of competition.
Fishing is defined as having a lure attached to a line and a rod and reel with the rod in hand. All lures must adhere to state regulations. Alabama rigs and similar umbrella type rigs are limited to a maximum of five wires, five lures and three hooks (single or treble) unless state regulations are more restrictive, in which case state regulations prevail. Spoons and flashers do not count toward baits.
Receiving, accepting or taking of fishing from another person during tournament hours is strictly prohibited. Stringers, ropes, caging, barrels or use of any other type of device to hold fish with the intent of catching or utilizing them to count for your or anyone else’s daily catch is prohibited. Adding weight in any way to alter the natural state of any fish caught is prohibited. Moving or “stocking” fish from one location to another is prohibited.
Anyone guilty of snatching or snagging visible fish will have their catch disqualified. When visually fishing a bed or for bedding bass, to be counted as a legal fish, all bass must be hooked inside the mouth and must be verified by your partner before being unhooked.
For the safety of all participants during official practice and competition, all boats must be a minimum of sixteen (16) feet in length, no less than 40 HP, propeller driven, and equipped with an approved operable ignition kill switch and lanyard. No jet-propelled boats. No “barges” or similar craft will be permitted. No boat equipped with “stick steering” shall be permitted. “Stick steering” shall be as defined by the Tournament Director.
Maximum horsepower for all outboard motor boats used in official tournament practice and in tournament competition will not exceed the limitations set by the U.S. Coast Guard or 300 Horsepower. Each boat must have a U.S. Coast Guard horsepower rating plate attached to the boat by the manufacturer. Changing or altering standard factory parts of a participant’s engine to increase the horsepower over the factory horsepower rating is forbidden and will result in disqualification.
Manufacturer’s lanyard (“kill switch”) must be attached to the driver’s body any time the combustion engine is operating. Any time the combustion engine is operating and in gear there must be a driver in the driver’s seat in full control of the boat.
No raised platforms, decks, or other non-factory installed standing platform may be used in the boat. Standing on the outboard engine or seats while fishing is not allowed. An electric trolling motor may be used for slow maneuvering. However, trolling as a method of fishing is prohibited.
All bladder tanks and auxiliary gas and any other type of AUXILIARY gas tanks that are not installed by the boat manufacturer are prohibited. Additional gas tanks that are factory options and installed by a manufacturer’s authorized dealer are permitted. Boats that do not have factory installed gas tanks are restricted to a maximum of 18 gallons of gasoline in tanks that meet U.S. Coast Guard regulations. Gas tanks must be properly secured or strapped in a boat. No portable gas tanks or containers capable of holding gasoline can be placed anywhere on the tournament waters or shoreline for use by any tournament participant. Gas must be purchased from a retail gas station.
During official practice and competition, every boat must have all required Coast Guard safety equipment as well as a functional bilge pump. During official competition every boat must have live-well space, properly aerated, to adequately maintain a limit catch of bass. NewJen Bass recommends live wells be maintained at full level and aerators/recirculators on manual. Tournament officials shall have the sole responsibility for determining whether aeration and capacity is proper and adequate.
Prior to each day’s start, every boat and live-well MUST be given an inspection check by a tournament official.
There shall be only one official check point for check-out in the morning, and one official check-in point in the afternoon which will be designated at the Pre-Tournament Meeting. Failure to go through boat check and check-out in the morning or failure to check-in at the check-in point in the afternoon may result in disqualification. At the time of check-out, all participants and their boats shall be in full conformity with all rules set forth by the Tournament Director. At check-in, all boats shall identify themselves by means of the numbers described in and proceed immediately to the designated weigh-in area. Operational navigation lights must be illuminated from takeoff to the first stop of each day. Participants who do not display operational navigation lights will be moved to the end of the blast off line. Their check in time will remain the same.
Tournament standings and final winners shall be determined by the total weight of each participant’s catch during the competition days of the tournament. Only Largemouth, Smallmouth, and Spotted bass will be weighed. The limit shall be five (5) of the above species and varieties per day. As soon as a participant has caught one more fish than their tournament limit, they must cull a fish immediately to reduce their catch to the tournament limit.
The official length for bass shall be 13” mouth closed unless dictated otherwise by local regulations. All bass will be measured on a flat board with the mouth closed. Only bass as described above which measure the official length or more on the longest straight line with the tail pinched or swishes shall be weighed. Bass presented for weigh-in which fail to measure the official length shall result in loss of that bass and a penalty of one (1) pound for each such bass presented. Penalty shall be deducted from the total score of the participant. Any bass that appears to have been mangled, mashed, mauled or otherwise altered may be weighed and credited only at the discretion of tournament officials.
Each participant will automatically be entered into the big fish option.
During the competition days; participants must not depart the boat to land fish or to make the boat more accessible to fishing waters. Boats must remain in tournament waters during tournament days. Participants must leave from and return to official checkpoints by boat. Participants must remain in the boat at all times except in case of dire emergency. There are then two permitted methods of returning to the check-in: (1) by anglers remaining in their boat and being towed by water, or (2) by anglers entering the boat of another tournament participant. Boats must be properly secured and stationary. Participants must notify the tournament director as soon as possible.
In the event of a needed restroom anglers are allowed to leave the boat upon which all fishing must cease until the angler is back in the boat.
Contact a tournament official by phone or other means or to report an emergency or breakdown, participants must cease fishing at this point and their catch must be verified by a tournament official in order to be counted in the tournament. If after the emergency situation is resolved by tournament officials and enough time is left for the participant to resume fishing, a RESTART may be allowed, and the participant will continue, and their catch will be counted. This applies only to emergency situations as determined by the Tournament Director or his designee.
Towing boats on trailers during tournament hours is prohibited, except by the direction of tournament officials. When partners check out at the beginning of the day, they must stay together and within sight of each other and their catch throughout the day except in case of emergency or bathroom break.
No dead bass will be eligible for Big Fish awards or prizes. For each legal dead bass presented to weigh-in officials, the participant shall be penalized as follows: 1 Dead fish is a .25 lbs. penalty, 2 Dead fish is .75 lbs. penalty, 3 Dead fish is 1.5 lbs. penalty, 4 Dead fish 2.5 lbs. penalty, and 5 Dead fish will have a weight of 0 lbs. for the daily total. Dead fish determinations will be made by NewJen Bass weighmaster. Participants will not argue, yell, demean, use profanity, or be disrespectful in any way toward this ruling. The Tournament Director or his/her designees shall have sole authority for assessing penalty points and outcome.
Culling tags or clips are allowed.
Keeping the official time is kept by the Tournament Director at all times once official practice has begun. For the rule of time keeping until the official clock reads the following minute, participants are not considered late for that minute in question, i.e., 3:00:59 is not considered late. 3:01 is considered one minute late, etc.
Participants who are not at the official check-in point, as described at the appointed time shall be penalized at the rate of one pound per minute late to be deducted from 1) Any “big fish award” and 2) The total weight of his/her catch for that day. Any participant more than 15 minutes late shall lose all credit for that day’s catch to include point’s credit. There shall be no excuse for tardiness and in no case shall a participant be allowed to make up “lost time.” After proper recognition at the check-in point, participants will be allowed ample time to proceed to the weigh-in site; however, all fishing must cease upon check-in. It is the angler’s responsibility to confirm check-in times each day.
After participants check in at the official checkpoint, they must present all legal fish in their possession to a tournament official to be counted, measured and weighed. Participants may not cull or discard any fish in their possession once they have checked in at the check-in point. Once a participant’s catch is measured, counted and verified by a tournament official, that participant may not return to the boat until their catch has been weighed and recorded.
Trophies, plaques, and other tangible items will be awarded immediately after the tournament and participants must be present to win. Monies will be electronically awarded on the business day following the tournament OR on the business day following a PASSED polygraph exam, if required. Participants must be present and be able to hear their names called at the official weigh-in to be eligible for contingency prizes.
Regular season Boater only events pay out 80%. Payouts will be based on a 1 in 5 structure for 2025. Only paid entrants are counted in the payout scale.
Participants are responsible for all applicable taxes, execution of all tax forms and rules on both cash and merchandise awards; which may include license, registration, etc. Various states require withholding tax on merchandise be paid upon the awarding of certificates and participants awarded merchandise certificates in these various states are responsible for remitting this tax to NewJen Bass. Failure to meet those obligations may result in reduction of Angler of Year Points, fines and/or disqualification from all future NewJen Bass Events, ramifications from the IRS, and forfeiture of prizes.
One Point System per Place – Points for each event will be based on a 200-point scale. All participants will receive 50 “participation” points.
Winner receives 200 points + 50 participation = 250 points
2nd place receives 199 points + 50 participation = 249 points
3rd place receives 198 points + 50 participation= 248 points, etc., Balance of field, one point each until end of field or points run out. 50 participation points will be awarded to each participant.
AOY will be determined by the BOATER with the most points. ONE throw out. (Best THREE)
Ties – Refer below. Standings will reflect ties starting at place closest to first.
End of year point tiebreakers shall be total weights from full field days for season.
45. TIES:
In case of ties, the tiebreaker will be determined by the (1) largest single day’s weight, (2) if the tie is not broken, largest number of legal fish weighed during competition, (3) if the tie is not broken, the next tiebreaker will be the largest number of legal live fish weighed during competition, (4) if the tie is not broken, the next tiebreaker will be the AOY standings. If the tie is not broken by applying the foregoing procedures, the tie will remain a tie. Monetary prizes for each participant will be awarded in equal amounts. Angler of the Year points will be awarded for the place of the tied position and each participant will be awarded equal points.
Big Fish: In the case where two participants are tied with the weight of a big fish. NewJen Bass will combine the payout for those places and divide them equally by the tied participants. I.E. If 3rd is to be paid out $500 and 4th is to be paid out $700 and they are tied $500+$700=$1,200/2=$600 to be paid out equally.
Plaques/trophies will be awarded based on which participant weighed the bigger fish. If that does not determine the awards, it will be determined by heads/tails coin toss.
CHAMPIONSHIP TIE: In the event that the tie is for first place, the Tournament Director will conduct a sudden death fish off. The parameters of the sudden death fish off with be determined at the director’s discretion. All NewJen Bass rules apply during the sudden death fish off.
The top 100 BOATER based on the Angler of the Year (AOY) point standings will receive an invitation to the 2025 Boater Only Championship as long as they have participated in at least 3 regular season Boater only events in 2025. NewJen Bass reserves the right to work down the AOY list to ensure a full field at the Championship. NewJen Bass reserves the right to invite sponsor exemptions for the Championship.
47. MEDIA:
All official participants of an event are required to cooperate with the media personnel that cover the event. Participants do not have the option of not being filmed or interviewed during the official event days. NewJen Bass personnel must be granted access and be able to board any participants boat at will. Any act deemed by NewJen Bass officials to have the intention of preventing media coverage will result in disqualification from the event. Participants must fish in an area that is accessible by NewJen Bass staff, media, and camera personnel as deemed by the tournament director. As a general rule, NewJen Bass views this as a 20-foot fiberglass bass boat with the motor trimmed down under its own power. If participants have any questions, they must approach the tournament director. Anytime cameras are present or when participants are specifically being filmed, they are required to wear a tournament jersey. In the cases where participants do not have a tournament jersey of their own, NewJen Bass will provide a NewJen Bass jersey to the participant. Anglers who do not have a jersey or refuse to wear a NewJen Bass provided jersey must wear at the minimum a collared polo shirt. Final approval of attire will be determined by the Tournament Director.
Participants are encouraged to wear his/her own clothing which may bear patches, logos and other signage promoting the angler’s sponsors. NewJen Bass may, however, restrict the use of patches, logos, signage, etc. which are, in NewJen Bass’ sole judgment, in poor taste. NewJen Bass will provide as much advance notice as possible to the participants in such instances. Participants are also encouraged to wear NewJen Bass’ logo on their tournament jerseys. The NewJen Bass logo can be requested by emailing GetHooked@NewJenBass.com.
The Tournament Director may impose sanctions or rulings deemed appropriate by them; which may include the following, without limitation.
a) Reduction of competition hours
b) Loss of weight on any given tournament day
c) Disqualification of angler
d) Forfeiture of prizes without refund of entry or membership fee/s
e) Disqualification from future NewJen Bass events; which may be a specific number of events or a lifetime disqualification.
f) Any additional penalties as deemed appropriate by the Tournament Director.
The decision of the Tournament Director shall be final in all matters. In all cases the Tournament Director and NewJen Bass have the sole discretion to adjudicate any given issue or dispute. The decision of the Tournament Director shall be final in all matters. NewJen Bass participants are required to police themselves each competition day. If participants have a concern regarding his/her catch, they should not present their catch. They must consult with tournament director immediately.
Each participant agrees to immediately report to the tournament director any violation or infraction of tournament rules.
Protests must be brought to the Tournament Director’ attention via verbal notification and followed by a written protest to be submitted to the Tournament Director within thirty (30) minutes of the last flight check-in to the Tournament Director/s. The protestor also agrees that if there is a question with regards to verifying the protest, they may be subject to a polygraph exam as well as agree to testify in a court of law, if necessary.
Any disqualification/suspension from or other disciplinary action regarding any tournament or fishing organization shall be grounds for rejecting any application for participation in a NewJen Bass tournament and/or disqualification from a NewJen Bass tournament after circumstances are reviewed by the Tournament Director. A written statement may be accepted by the tournament director from any participant in question.
Each NewJen Bass participant agrees to submit to a polygraph examination and abide by its conclusion should he/she be accused of any rule violation. The NewJen Bass Tournament Director shall have the discretion to determine the need for a polygraph examination. The NewJen Bass Tournament Director or his/her designee shall be responsible for selecting an independent expert to administer and interpret the results and establishing, in consultation with the expert administrator, the scope of the questions which may be asked during the polygraph examination. The NewJen Bass Tournament Director or his/her designee shall attempt to have the location of such polygraph examination as close in proximity to the angler’s permanent address or such other mutually convenient location as possible. The participant shall make himself/herself available at the location selected by the Tournament Director and shall cooperate in all respects with such examination. In the event of polygraph examination, participants may have tournament prizes withheld until such testing has been concluded.

The NewJen Bass Team Division is for California bass tournament anglers who wish to enter with their chosen partner to compete for money and prizes. Whether it's your first bass fishing tournament experience, or you are a seasoned angler, all skill levels are welcome.
All anglers are welcome in Division I. Division II anglers must meet specific eligibility requirements.
- Affordable
- 5 Fish Limit
- No Off-Limits Period (excluding "Special Events" and/or TOC)
- Includes Clear Lake, Shasta, Delta and Motherlode Regions